What time does Frankfurt stock exchange open?
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange typically opens for trading at 9:00 AM local time.
The frankfurt stock exchange (fsx) was opened for trading today.
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSX) is open for trading on weekdays, from Monday to Friday.
The market operates during the regular trading session in Germany from 09:00am - 05:30pm CET.
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSX) also known as Börse Frankfurt is Germany's primary stock exchange market. It is located in the Innenstadt district, within the central business district called Bankenviertel. The exchange primarily operates in Germany, with 90 percent of its turnover coming from two trading venues: Xetra and Börse Frankfurt. It is the largest of the seven regional securities exchanges in Germany.
The trading indices include DAX, DAXplus, CDAX, DivDAX, LDAX, MDAX, SDAX, TecDAX, VDAX, and EuroStoxx 50.